May 15, 2013

Intercultural relationships

What kinds of problems could arise from cultural differences when dating or marrying someone from different culture?

As we have studied in this English course, each culture is different from the others, and even when they have some similarities, could be difficult when people want to date or get married. Some of the problems that could arise are 

* Communication: Some words or nonverbal communication can be considered as rude, so this thing has to be clear. 

* Religion: In some cases the religion does not allow the couple to get married and one of them have to turn to the other one. 

*Proxemics and Chronemics: They could be extremely different between cultures.

You can find examples of these problems in the movie "My Big Fat Greek Weeding" 


In the first place I would like to say how much I like both forms of art. It's very interesting to know these kinds of music and dance that represent the history and tradition of towns. Alegres Ambulancias and the Alvin Ailey Dance company show us ,using dance the Afro influence in the dance; they have similarities like the drums and some body movements because of their common ancestors. However, palenqueros dance was created by Africans living in Colombia, that's why it has elements of cumbia and cantadoras. In the other hand, the Alvin Ailey Company's dance was created for Africans living in North America, this is the principal reason of the differences between them.

May 08, 2013

Task 4

This is the video that me and my group made, it is a guide of costeño's vocabulary. I hope you like it :)